How To Cure Reader’s Block

The Duffer's Diary
5 min readJul 19, 2021

This under-recognised mental illness symptom is beatable with the right approach

Image author’s own created in Sparkpost

I can’t take credit for the term Reader’s Block. It was Joanne Harris (Writer of among other things, “Chocolat” who is a flipping delight on Twitter) who coined it when I commented a reply along the lines of “you know….that thing…..when your mental health is so crap that you can’t read anymore…”.

After I’d finished face-palming for not having thought of that myself, I set to work trying to cure my own instance of it. Up to that point, I’d thought I was alone. Friends came out of the woodwork to tell me that this had happened to them. The one thing I noticed was that we all carried a palpable air of shame about it.

I would almost describe myself as a compulsive reader. A fair chunk of my academic study has revolved around literature and I was the kid who would read the cereal packet or the washing powder box if given half a chance. I can’t complete a train journey without a book, and due to my living circumstances, my friends and relatives are storing many boxes of books that I can’t bear to part with, but can’t currently fit into my home. Losing the ability to read as a result of mental illness has been devastating for me. Reading is tightly wound into my identity.



The Duffer's Diary

Mental health, parenting, politics, history and ranting at an indifferent universe. Sometimes funny. Just had an accidental 9 month hiatus from writing.