Go On, Ask Your Readers for Writing Prompts

The Duffer's Diary
2 min readJun 14, 2021

You won’t regret it!

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I think it’s great when people write about a particular set of topics, but that’s not for me. I do write about a few subjects that I’m reasonably knowledgeable about, based on my own experiences. I also enjoy a good rant about things I don’t know that much about too for giggles.

In a bid to change things up a little, I asked the followers on my The Duffer’s Diary Facebook page to give me some short writing prompts at Christmas. In the main, the followers are mostly friends and family whom I’ve nagged to “like” the page, and where I link to my website, Medium and that other paying writing site that we do not mention and beg for reads. Because you’re writing for an audience it’s nice to interact with those who you’ve been relentlessly chucking stuff at for years, and not just throwing your creations out into the apparently disinterested void.

To my intense relief, the people who made suggestions were pretty kind to me though I’m still scratching my head about some of them.

I’ll be honest, I still haven’t finished writing them all yet, but it breaks up my content and forces me to try out something new. Some I’ve been able to segue into my usual content with ease, some not so much. Some because I genuinely haven’t got a clue what it means, have no idea how to do it justice or…



The Duffer's Diary

Mental health, parenting, politics, history and ranting at an indifferent universe. Sometimes funny. Just had an accidental 9 month hiatus from writing.