An Open Letter to the “All Politicians Are The Same” Crowd

The Duffer's Diary
4 min readOct 9, 2023

Let’s face it, we all lie. However there are levels.

Dear Nameless Relative/Slightly Gammony Dad of a friend,

A common refrain frequently heard in the street, in the pub and particularly and painfully over the dinner table at Thanksgiving and Christmas is, and, I quote, “Politicians are all the same”. They really, really aren’t.

The problem that I have with this assertion is that, just as life is packed to the rafters with chancers, prancers, cutthroats, hornswogglers, thieves, fraudsters, adulterers and wrong ‘uns of every hue, so are the chambers of those that we chose to represent us. If anything, they just get to air their self deception and flaws in public. Oh yeah, and to say that they are all the same is frankly, horse excrement.

The problem is, that as comparisons go, it’s bit like comparing apples and an unstable nuclear warhead that has been badly disguised as an orange. There is really is no comparison. Just as “normal” people do, politicians lie all the time. But that is where the comparison ends.

The issue with politicians is the scale, enormity, audacity, self-aggrandizement and impact of the lies that they are perpetuating that allows us to differentiate between the proper wrong ‘uns and the ones that aren’t going allow water…



The Duffer's Diary

Mental health, parenting, politics, history and ranting at an indifferent universe. Sometimes funny. Just had an accidental 9 month hiatus from writing.